2. Pineapple Thai

pineapple 10 Brand New Marijuana Strains to Try
Photo credit: Leafly

This strain is unique due to its high CBD rating at 5% which is great for those suffering from mental or physical ailments. It is considered a hybrid but users report feeling much more sedated than a regular hybrid strain. Give this plant a shot if you are looking to heal yourself with the power of the cannabis plant.

3. Skinnygirl Marijuana

beth 10 Brand New Marijuana Strains to Try
Photo credit: ABC News

Bethenny Frankel, a reality star and owner of Skinnygirl Wine, will be venturing into the world of marijuana with her new strain, Skinnygirl Marijuana according to entrepreneur.com. The strain will be designed to not give you the munchies so Frankel and her other housewife friends can maintain their figures and still enjoy cannabis. 

4. Marley Natural

This is one of the first cannabis commercials for the new “Marley Natural” cannabis brand which lends its name from the late Bob Marley, who was of course famous for his music and marijuana advocacy. This strain claims to include some of Bob Marley’s favorite strains from Jamaica and will be available in legal markets this fall.

5. Willie’s Reserve

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Photo credit: Rolling Stone

Willie Nelson is also looking to cash in on the new cannabis market by opening stores in legal states and branding them Willie’s Reserve.” The stores will carry marijuana approved by Willie Nelson along with new strains that have been grown to meet the specifications of the great one himself. The strains are looking to hit the market next year, so we should all prepare to have our minds blown.

6. Pineapple Express

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Photo credit: Leafly

Yes, Pineapple Express is more than just an incredible movie—this strain is so delicious it’s unreal. Not only is the average THC content around 17% but it also has a tropical taste and smell that brings you right to the beach.

7. Hindu Kush

hindu kush  primary 0b10 1024x577 10 Brand New Marijuana Strains to Try
Photo credit: Leafly

Hindu Kush is named after its original environment, a 500-mile mountain range on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Because of this, the plant has developed a thick coat of crystal trichomes which is what gets you super duper high. This strain is still one of the strongest in the world because of this.

8. OG Kush

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Photo credit: Leafly

OG Kush is the lifeblood of West Coast weed. It has contributed to some of the most modern strains today while being a powerhouse on its own. This strain is a hybrid but smokes like an indica. With buds reporting up to 26% THC content, this strain will surely knock you out.

9. Strawberry Cough

strawberry cough  primary ddd6 10 Brand New Marijuana Strains to Try
Photo credit: Leafly

This strain is unique due to its smell and taste of strawberries. This sativa strain is perfect for social situations if anxiety is an issue—many people report feeling euphoric and social after smoking this fruity blend.

10. Girl Scout Cookies

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Photo credit: Leafly

This strain has taken the West Coast of the U.S. and Canada by storm after originating in California and winning multiple Cannabis Cup Awards. A potent hybrid with THC ratings surpassing 28%, users report euphoric and uplifting feelings making it a great strain for daytime smoking.

These incredible plants are being developed by growers who fight year after year for the best strains possible. Media outlets say that marijuana today is more powerful than that of our parents—and they are right. There is a reason they called cannabis “grass” in the 70s.